[s-cars] 1995.5 UrS6 Remote Key Problems

Jay M jaybird002 at msn.com
Tue Jul 16 04:58:08 PDT 2013

Thank you very much for the info. I just tried method number 2 listed below (in bold and larger font) and it worked like a charm! Remote key now works as it should. Thanks again.

> From: jerryscott at wispertel.net
> To: jaybird002 at msn.com
> CC: s-car-list at audifans.com
> Subject: RE: [s-cars] 1995.5 UrS6 Remote Key Problems
> Date: Sun, 14 Jul 2013 12:31:38 -0600
> Jay
> Here's my file that might help with your problem.
> Jerry
> To reprogram your remote, use one key to turn the car on, get out and lock
> the door using the other key (in the door), then press your remote buttons
> (up to four times, for four different keys, 5 sec apart for each "pulse"),
> then wait a minute or so, use the remote on the exterior key, and it should
> be programmed and work correctly.
> You need to press both the LOCK and UNLOCK buttons simultaneously to program
> the remotes.
> Also, according to the owner's manual, if you leave your car unused for 7
> days or so, the remote will shut off to conserve battery power. Simply
> unlock the car with the key in the door, and use the vehicle, the remote
> should re-set.
> Good luck,
> Tom Winter
> '95 S6 Avant
> Here's how to get all the remotes to lock and unlock the doors. Which key
> goes where does not matter, since we're reprogramming the remotes, not the
> keys (keys are not programmable, anyway). There is no correlation between
> key and remote, except for the prestige <g> of having the lighted key.
> You will need:
> 1. All radio frequency remotes, with good batteries. Simplest is to replace
> the batteries with new ones. I used Duracell DL2032.
> 2. Two keys. Coincidentally, the lighted key uses o-ne 625 watch/camera
> battery, and bulb p/n N 902 625 01.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -----------------
> 1. Put one key in the ignition, and turn to "On", dash lights lit, but car
> not running. Get out and close the driver's door. Might not be a bad idea to
> roll down the driver's window, to ensure you don't lock yourself out (you
> can't really, but it does give some peace of mind)
> 2. Put the other key in the driver's door lock.
> 3. Lock the car with the key in the driver's door.
> 4. Press both buttons on the first remote until car unlocks. This should
> take about 5 seconds.
> 5. Set the remote aside, and select the next remote. Note: Do NOT turn the
> ignition off between remotes.
> 6. Lock the car again with the key in the driver's door.
> 7. Press both buttons on the next remote until car unlocks.
> 8. If you have more than two remotes, repeat 6) and 7) with each succeeding
> remote until done.
> 9. Turn the ignition off and remove the key.
> 10. The remotes should now all work. They should each lock and unlock the
> car.
> ==============================================
> Here's how to get the remotes to invoke the appropriate stored seat memory
> position.
> You will need:
> 1. All radio frequency remotes, as above.
> 2. Seat memory buttons programmed to desired settings.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------
> 1. Select the remote you want to invoke seat memory position one.
> 2. With the ignition off, open the driver's door, and leave it open.
> 3. Press seat memory button one, and wait for the seat and mirror to move to
> the stored position.
> 4. With the driver's door still open, lock the car by pressing the lock
> button on the remote. The car will lock, except for the driver's door.
> 5. Press and hold the seat memory button one.
> 6. Press and release the unlock button o-n the remote.
> 7. When the car unlocks, release seat memory button one. The first remote is
> now programmed to both lock and unlock, and to invoke seat memory position
> one. Set it aside as completed.
> 8. Repeat 12) through 16), using the appropriate seat memory button, until
> you've programmed each of your remotes.
> You have completed programming all your radio frequency remotes to invoke
> the appropriate seat memory position.
> ===============================================
> You can test success as follows:
> 1. Close the driver's door. Lock the car using remote one. The car should
> lock.
> 2. Unlock car using remote one. The car should unlock.
> 3. Open the door. The seat and driver's door rearview should move to memory
> position one.
> 4. Repeat 18), 19) and 20) with each succeeding remote.
> Ta da! You should be in business!
> -----Original Message-----
> From: s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com
> [mailto:s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf Of Jay M
> Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2013 11:45 AM
> To: AudiFans
> Subject: [s-cars] 1995.5 UrS6 Remote Key Problems
> My 1995.5 UrS6 Avant remote key lock/unlock has stopped working. I am now
> inserting the key in the door lock to manually lock and unlock the doors.
> When the remote was rendered useless in years past a simple replacement of
> the single CR2032 battery in remote key  unit and all was good. However,
> this time a new battery and the lock/unlock buttons on remote unit does
> nothing. I have checked the respective fuse under the black cover near
> driver side cowl in engine compartment and checked every fuse in fuse panel
> on driver side of dash. All fuses appear to be good. I also tried to
> reprogram unit as per directions in owner's manual but to no avail. The
> owner's manual instructions appear to pertain to reprogramming the Infrared
> Key Fob. Mine is not an infrared key fob as per the 1995 UrS6 cars. The
> remote unit has a "LOCK" and "UNLOCK" button. Anybody know if there is a
> better way to reprogram remote? Or, is there a way to isolate the problem
> i.e. test the remote fob/transmitter or
>   the receiving mechanism in the car to begin troubleshooting? Thanks.
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