[s-cars] Door trim and moldings

Jack Walker jack at walkerperformancegroup.com
Tue Jun 18 14:36:51 PDT 2013

Can't find any cap at the leading or trailing edge of the door trim, but
there is a screw at the aft end inside the door??
Wonder if I should pull forward or aft, hummmm oh well we'll see??

Got the mid trim off the fenders...
Really how many functions do ya have to do to get a 5" PIECE OF TRIM OFF!
Explain the evporatitive canister function and what service is necessary?


Message: 2
Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 22:21:27 -0400
From: LL - NY <larrycleung at gmail.com>
To: Jack Walker <jack at walkerperformancegroup.com>
Cc: "s-car-list at audifans.com" <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Subject: Re: [s-cars] Door trim and moldings
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The bottom ones are easy (never did a mid). Search for a little trim "cap"
at the leading edge of the trim on the door. Remove cap (pry carefully with
a screwdriver). Lube between trim and door and down the little cap with
Silicone (no paint or trim chemical damage, the stuff is pretty inert) then
carefully slide the trim back off of the open door. The leveler you pull,
the easier it'll slide (well, relatively).  Assy is the reverse of removal.
 If you search the archives, there may also be pics somewhere.

On Monday, June 17, 2013, Jack Walker wrote:

> Is there some R/R help on the bottom of the front door/fender blades 
> or moldings?
> Mine were away from the front of the bottom of the door so getting 
> them off wasn't much of an issue! The metal inside them is crunchy/rusty.
> Gonna need some help getting the suckers back on though!
> And removal of the mid trim on front fenders and door on a S6?
> Do you have to take off the interior panels to get to the trim?
> Jack Walker
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