[s-cars] Sway bar wisdom

Dace Voit dacevoit at yahoo.com
Mon May 6 08:27:12 PDT 2013

The rear sway bar was a '92 only thing. You can either get the necessary parts from a '92 or get the apikol kit. I put the kit on my '94 and it really transformed the car. I have it set in the mid-stiff setting and I really like it. Install is pretty easy but there is some minor drilling involved. The only thing I'd say that was poor about the kit are the end links that came with mine. They get rattly pretty quickly and have to be lubed periodically. OK have purchased some better links to put whenever I get the chance. I heard that they might be shipping with better stuff now. All in all, well worth the money though.

FWIW, I'd recommend getting the rear suspension bushings from them also and do them at the same time. Also well worth the money. 



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