[s-cars] 1995.5 S6 Avant window assembly

Airbil Gmail airbil at gmail.com
Mon Mar 3 09:37:00 PST 2014

Best solution IMVHO is to get a new one ... $170ish at GAP. This window gets a lotta use and a used one may fail poste haste.
Remove interior door panel. IIRC there are only four large bolts holding the  window and regulator. Take care to see the window shim between the frames on the lower forward bolt. 
When reassembling, push the shim up as far as you can, pull the top of the window frame inward as far as you can and then tighten the bolt/s.(no wind noise strategy)
If you haven't done this b4, take a lotta pix so you know where the foam pieces go.
This all can be done in an hour, or three... depending.
Good luck!
Bill~S-CarList Lives!~m

           ~  via airmobil 1 ~

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