[s-cars] Driveshaft: New or Rebuilt?

Cody Forbes cody at 5000tq.com
Fri May 2 16:19:40 PDT 2014

Two piece is better for long runs for harmonic reasons and stronger. A long one piece has to be very well balanced or it can self destruct especially when speeds go up (autobahn). Obviously they can be made plenty strong... See every american drag car ever for evidence ;-). Audi trans-am driveshafts were one piece as well, but that may have been a design constraint with them being carbon fiber.

-Cody Forbes (mobile)

On May 2, 2014, at 5:49 PM, Peter Golledge <petergolledge at gmail.com> wrote:

> Tom,
> I assume it needs rebuilding due to U-joint failure?  Support bearings can be replaced easy enough.  I'd go the single shaft option: http://advancedautomotion.com/shop/product_info.php?cPath=44&products_id=43
> Less is more, no bearing to replace and you get new CVs/Boots into the deal.  Dave Hackl is running a single piece driveshaft in the Pikes Peak URQ with locked diffs so I'm sure this option is robust.  Never could figure out why Audi went with the two part design.
> On 5/2/2014 2:36 PM, Tom Rodriguez wrote:
>> Looks like I need a new drive shaft for my '95 S6 (part no. 4A0521101B).
>> Any thoughts about rebuilt v. new?  I priced it out and rebuilt is $495 v..
>> $1,500 new.
>> I consulted the Quattroworld FAQs and got some good wisdom from the
>> Tornado//S6 Driveshaft R&R posting from 2004, and Wayne Dohnal's 2008
>> follow-up post.  Wayne listed two shops that can do the rebuild: Driveshaft
>> Specialists and Powertrain Industries. I've spoken with both and pricing is
>> identical.  Anyone have a favorite?
>> Also, is there any difference in the driveshaft for '95 v. '95.5?
>> Tom Rodriguez
>> '95 S6
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