[s-cars] Help Chipping a Virgin

Nathan Belo nathan at licensetosell.com
Tue Oct 13 16:36:33 PDT 2015

I have the IA 3+ with 3 BAR pressure transducer installed by Ned Ritchie and blew a hole immediately in the michelin man hose below on my '92 S4 14 years ago.  Replaced boost hoses with Samco silicone hoses and better clamps from a group buy years ago.  How old are the hoses?  Hoses like to pop off as well from all the boost, which is why the change to better marine-quality clamps.

The moisture trap by the firewall under the black POS cover likes to pop off too under too much boost.

Nathan Belo
Seattle, WA
'92 S4 & 95 S6

Date: Mon, 12 Oct 2015 21:49:20 -0700
From: Brian Pleet <subscriptions at strategico.ca>
To: s-car-list at audifans.com
Subject: [s-cars] Help Chipping a Virgin
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After 20 years with my 95.5 URS6 , I finally bought the Intended
Acceleration basic chip set in preparation for the Audi Sonoma track event
this coming weekend. Too late, it seems because although it feels overall
much quicker, when I go to the floor, it hesitated and hisses from under
the hood until I release the pedal.

So far, I replaced the 20 year old blow-off valve, no change. Then I ran it
with a stock ECU, no change. Then I ran with a used (unknown) Wastegate
Frequency Valve and it ran fine with no boost, stable enough to get home
from Seattle. Then I replaced the WGFV with a OE unit and the problem has
returned. I opened the wastegate cover but no obvious issues, diaphram was
perfect. Today, I swapped the mass air sensor and the hesitation went away,
but the hiss continues and under extreme acceration, the oomf is absent
until it gets above 4000RPM. More fun to drive, but not perfect for the

Historically, and maybe related; the fuel pump failed last month so I
replaced it with on OE unit. I've taken the throttle body off a few months
ago to replace the hoses and seals underneath, but it was reassembled and
working fine. I installed a set of 034 silicone hoses.  I replaced the
noisy blower motor without removing the heater box. I replaced the one
still original POS with a new one.

She's not taking the loss of virginity well. My tech advisor suggests the
hiss is exhaust trying to get through clogged 20 year old  catalytic
converters. Any other ideas welcome, or I'll see you in Sonoma.

90 90Q 20v
95.5 S6
06 TT Roadster
Vancouver BC

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