[s-cars] Rear Hatch woes '95 S6 avant

Peter Golledge petergolledge at gmail.com
Tue Sep 22 21:41:08 PDT 2015

Not a lot I've found good to sort the plastic bits.  Will check on my
200TQA parts car for a nozzle can compare to the S6 and see.  I've used
door solenoids as donors for the rubber boot for the hatch IIRC.

On Tue, Sep 22, 2015 at 10:21 PM, Jim Fleischer <jim at almgt.com> wrote:

> Hey all,
> Very quiet summer on the list, I assume less traffic = less issues with
> cars needing advice?  I hope so!
> So, I’ve got a rear hatch on my avant that needs some rehab, again.  A
> couple of years ago I used some plastic welding to fix some cracks and
> attach some bits, and unfortunately while taking off the cover to fix a
> latch issue, some of it broke again.  I’m looking for a suggestion on an
> adhesive to repair these pieces, as the plastic weld stuff won’t work again.
> I’ve temporarily fixed the latch, but it looks like there’s a broken piece
> in there that may give me issues.  I also need a vacuum solenoid for the
> lock mechanism, or a suggestion on repairing the leaking boot.  I could
> also use a rear wiper spray unit, as mine broke off and now shoots straight
> back at the car behind me….
> Anyone have or know of an avant being parted out?  I believe the 100CS
> avant and the A6/S6 avant all had the same rear hatch (please correct me if
> I’m wrong on that.)
> Thanks all, hope everyone enjoyed the summer!
> Best regards,
> Jim Fleischer
> ’95 urS6 avant 189K
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