[s-cars] Broken clutch pedal - again!

Tom Rodriguez trodri69 at gmail.com
Sun Apr 3 16:53:47 PDT 2016

The day after I wrote this initial e-mail, my clutch began working fine.  No repairs, didn’t even get to the diagnosis of the cause of what I had presumed was a broken clutch pedal. Best bet right now is a bad master and/or slave cylinder, both of which are original. I’m told this problem may recur intermittently in the future, so I’ll be replacing both of these as soon as the parts come in.  I’m not planning to replace the clutch for now.  Thanks for all the good advice.

Tom Rodriguez

’95 S6, 270K miles



From: Walter Moore [mailto:moorewr at gmail.com] 
Sent: Monday, March 28, 2016 10:32 PM
To: Peter Golledge <petergolledge at gmail.com>
Cc: Tom Rodriguez <trodri69 at gmail.com>; S-Car-List <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Subject: Re: [s-cars] Broken clutch pedal - again!


When this happened to me, I also had one of those fun leaks you know is happening but can't find any sign of... replaced slave cylinder and have had no problems since. Clutch is quite stiff, though - I really notice the stiff clutch and the absent minded brake pedal when I swap in from my brand new VW.


Conversely my first stop in the VW after driving the S6 usually threatens to rap my head on the steering wheel. :)


On Mon, Mar 28, 2016 at 10:26 PM, Peter Golledge <petergolledge at gmail.com <mailto:petergolledge at gmail.com> > wrote:

If the clutch is original it is likely very stiff indeed.  That will
shorten the life of all of the components (master, slave and pedal).  By
the time I swapped the clutch in wife's S6 @ 190K miles it took quite a bit
of force, didn't really notice since it until I put in the new throwout
bearing/disk/pressure plate.  I cleaned up the flywheel and reused it.

On Mon, Mar 28, 2016 at 8:48 AM, Tom Rodriguez <trodri69 at gmail.com <mailto:trodri69 at gmail.com> > wrote:

> Folks,
> The clutch pedal on my '95 S6 has broken, again.  This is the third time
> this has happened in the life of the car (270K miles).  The symptom is the
> pedal goes all the way to the floor and doesn't come back up, and doesn't
> engage the clutch.  1The pedal can be manually pulled up to its normal
> position, but if pressed again it goes to the floor and stays there.
> Something in the pedal or linkage is broken.  The car is in the shop this
> morning for a diagnosis and repair quote.  Has anyone else encountered this
> problem?  I wanted to get the wisdom of this group before I speak further
> with the shop.
> As I said, this has happened twice before on this car. The first time I
> think there was a break somewhere in the linkage.  The second time the
> break
> was in the pedal itself.  It seems odd to me that this would be a recurring
> problem. did Audi's engineers design a flimsy system?  How can I prevent
> this from happening again?
> Any advice or experience would be appreciated.
> Tom Rodriguez
> '95 S6, 270K miles
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Walter R. Moore --  moorewr at gmail.com <mailto:moorewr at gmail.com> 

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