[s-cars] Future of this group

Bjorn Odegard beernuts at online.no
Wed Jan 2 10:36:30 PST 2019


Been a long time since my last post now.. 

But I still have my '92 S4 as a daily driver, I've had it for 19 years

It's rusty, missing some trim and has developed quite a leak after the
right catalyzer. (The flange has rusted away after 27 years, go figure!)

I still download all list emails, but seldom read it all, being local
leader of the Norwegian VW/Audi club and having several other hobbies.. 

I will probably never sell the S4, but restore it with some new doors
and paint really soon. Having started working some 40kms away, I think I
will need a new beater, electric cars being what the government wants us
to drive. Think I'll stick to a diesel A2 or A4/B6 instead.. :p 

Thanks to all keeping this list running, ant to all contributing over
the years! This is still THE list to follow if you have a UrS4/S6! 

(My wife have her two Cabrios as well, a '96 and a '04. Can't think of
better cars!) 

Best Regards from Norway, 

Bjørn Eirik 

Den 18.12.2018 18:34, skrev W. Bean: 

> Thanks Dan,
> Not sure what happened to the list but it went away on my end. Cody brought it up and we discussed it back a few months ago. I checked the audifans email page and the daily archives indicated that messages had been sent to the list, but I never got any of them. Who knows....anyway, definitely not complaining and am glad to see it's "back." Also glad to hear you're back in the Audi fold. 
> Wondering if Mark C. can update the marketplace software? I think it's a valuable resource for us and having the ability to minimize the spam posts would be great. 
> Either way, again, I think we all share our gratitude for what you've done for the community for 20+ years. 
> Wylie Bean
> TheRingmeister at triad.rr.com
> 90 cq (track conversion suspended animation mode)
> 91 90q20v sport (daily driver mode)
> 91 200q20vT (limbo rock)
> 92 UrS4 (hibernation mode)
> 01.5 S4 (son's)
> 08 Q7 3.6 (wife's)
> ---- Dan Simoes <dan at simoes.us> wrote:
>> Hey folks. First off, hi. The list didn't vanish 8 months ago, it's likely that traffic was very low so it seemed dead. I'm around, and Peter is keeping an eye on things as well in terms of activity. The funny thing is that my Audi enthusiasm has come somewhat full circle. I went from owning multiple Audis to none. Then I bought VWs. Then I bought BMWs. I even bought an Alfa Romeo. After years of no Audis, I chose an A3 for my daughter's first car, and spent a lot of time wrenching on that. Then I got my wife a new 2017 Q7, deciding that it was the best option among 3 row SUVs. Throughout it all, I've kept the site up. Financial contributions fell off long ago (and I'm not asking for money, it's a nominal cost to run this thing). So it's been a labor of love to keep it going. Some things are broken (marketplace software won't support new captcha, etc). At times, the site needs attention. Software gets outdated, virtual disks fill up, etc. When I know there's an issue, I t!
 ake a
look at it. This most recent problem prevented me from even logging in, so I had to get creative and I think it's (mostly) back to normal. I'm looking at ways of simplifying the setup. I don't think a facebook group is the right move but I'm not opposed to one - I use facebook myself of course. I do think perhaps, with low traffic, it's time to reconsolidate all the lists down to two (s-cars and quattro). I'd love to clean up the archives but that may have to wait for my retirement. So, I'm here. Hopefully this thing works well enough where someone will see this.
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