[urq] Re: A Great URQ Week-end

DGraber460 at aol.com DGraber460 at aol.com
Tue Dec 2 00:08:12 EST 2003

That was a good weekend. Be glad you're not as familiar with the removal 
process as I am. For a variety of reasons, I've had to do it 3 times, and can have 
it out, and back in and running in a 3 day weekend. I wish I was "unfamiliar".
My last removal was for a WX that suddenly started to pressurize the 
crankcase, and showing 30 psi compression on #2 cylinder. Pulled it out and apart to 
find no visible reason for #2 not to be normal on compression. Across all 5 
cylinders the valves, seats, rings, and cylinder walls all appear to be equal. 
The only noticeable "issue" is that #2 rod bearing looks to be a bit worse for 
I've had three pro wrenches look at it and scratch their heads in wonderment. 

"Good judgment is a result of experience, which is often the result of poor 

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