[urq] Re: Re: Audi's Future

Bill Bennett ur.quattro at verizon.net
Wed Apr 7 01:09:10 EDT 2004

development costs coconuts, the URQ was the First of it's type in late 1981, all hand made,hence the cost, the urq cost Audi over $100,000 each to produce including R+D according to a friend that worked for VWOA at the time, keyword including research and development the 4000Q is just an offspring, of the original product, in a mass produced, non hand made product, it was on da line keeping the Turks busy
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: David 
  To: Ingo D. Rautenberg ; UrqList ; quattro at audifans.com 
  Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2004 6:18 AM
  Subject: [urq] Re: Re: Audi's Future

  Maybe somebody can shed some light on something for me. WHY was the Urq $35,000? The 4000q has basically the same drivetrain other than the turbo engine, right? Was the turbo engine really worth a $28,000 premium? I mean both are typ85 cars with quattro. It's not like the body was that much more expensive to make, they made the CGT which is essentially the same body without flares for less than the price of a 4000q. Seriosuly, somebody educate me.


  87.5 CGT
  SE Virginia
  From: "Ingo D. Rautenberg" <ingo at waratap.com>
  Date: 2004/03/24 Wed PM 04:07:57 EST
  To: "UrqList" <urq at audifans.com>,  <quattro at audifans.com>, 
  <iain.atkinson at tesco.net>
  Subject: Re: Audi's Future

  Hmm.  By my calculations an '84 Urq for 35k would be the equivalent of
  90-120k today...which makes the LeMans a worthy successor.  I'll take one,
  please ;-)

  '91 200q20v...Slightly modified
  '84 Tornado Red Urquattro
  '91 v8 quattro 5-Speed (not exactly stock) :-)

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: <iain.atkinson at tesco.net>
  To: <quattro at audifans.com>
  Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2004 2:01 PM
  Subject: Audi's Future

  > Folks
  > I heard on the grapevine today that they are going to build the Le Mans,
  Nuvolari inc a smaller one as well, Pikes Peak. A4 coupe may not happen at
  all, current A4 will have a new nose, rear end and interior like the A8/new
  A6 next year. The A3 5 door is going to be called sportback and will be here
  in the uk by september, TT will probably cease production inside the next 2
  years and not be replaced, also a slip of the tongue mentioned an A5.
  unfortunately they are not going re make the urq!!!
  > Iain

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