[urq] Re:Oh here I go Again,,NAC PG-17

Djdawson2 at aol.com Djdawson2 at aol.com
Wed Apr 7 02:32:53 EDT 2004

In a message dated 4/6/04 10:10:32 PM Mountain Daylight Time, 
ur.quattro at verizon.net writes:
This should have not been a public reply Mike, so I will do the same offense.

I think you were the one to actually create the first offense by taking pot 
shots at Bush on this list, Bill.  So it's OK for you, but not for him?  None 
of this belongs on the list in the first place... but as you said yourself, 
here you go again.
My Son lost his job as a 'putor support technician, his job was shipped off 
to India, his job is now overseas, it no longer is in the US, he is no longer 
earning $22.00 per hour, he is earning NADDA,ZIP! this happened on the Bushky 
"watch" while George was coloring his third book with a smirk on his face on a 
bedroom floor in the White House.

Yeah, I'm sure you've got real insight as to what's going on in the White 
House.  At least he's not a total disgrace to the country like silly Bill C.
My Son can do anything on a PC and cannot find a job in his field (network 
administrator) in a year, thank you for helping to screw my Son, and he is not 
alone Mike, Bill PS say that again when your job is outsourced and your field 
is gone, course you could say all is OK and do food deliverey, garbage 
collection, billing collection( yes there are not enough aggressive nasty people in 
India to take over that job,, yet)

It's every man's job to take care of himself.  You want to rely on your 
government to be the custodian of your well being?  Find a Communist country and 
enjoy yourself.  Our country is supposed to be an example of a free economy... 
supply and demand.  If there isn't a demand for a certain field, it's time to 
find something else to do.  Network Administrator?  Tell him to move to Denver. 
 He'd have a job in a NY minute... and for a bunch more than $22.00/hr.

BTW, the list is about URQs!  No one gives a crap if you're a Democrap or 
Republican.  Do what you need to do... it's your choice.  So, back to the cars, 
Dave in CO

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