Freq valve?: [urq] My multimeter has frequency % duty not dwell - can I c...

DGraber460 at DGraber460 at
Sun Dec 5 00:35:58 EST 2004

In a message dated 12/4/2004 9:54:18 PM Mountain Standard Time,  
michellepfeiffersx at writes:

Hi  Dennis

This relates to me trying to test this used MAC-02 ECU
I  bought.  I figured by testing the dwell (hum - this
is probably the  dwell on the frequency valve)  I could
tell if the 02 sensor loop on  this unknown ECU works. 
SO I was going to measure dwell with the cars  current
ECU which seems to work great - and then plug in the
purchased  MAC-02 and see if I can tell if the 02
sensor loop is working at all.   
steve M.
--- DGraber460 at wrote:

Cool enough.
Checking the frequency valve % will tell you that. It should start at a  
stoic value (cold), and then go hunting when it switches to open loop (open or  
closed- I can never remember what is the correct nomenclature) as it warms  up, 
and the sensor on the front of the head tells the ECU to switch over.
You probably know most of this, but just trying to help any way I  can.

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