[urq] Exhaust Issues

Steve Eiche seiche at shadetreesoftware.com
Sun Dec 5 13:18:32 EST 2004

FWIW, a customer of mine bought this exhaust from Paul Fernandez of CAC, and said that it is a piece of art.  Beautifully constructed of quality materials and the fit was spot on.  I can forward a picture if anyone is interested.

If I was looking for a stock replacement, I wouldn't hesitate to get one. I contacted Paul a few months ago, and he sounded agreeable to a group purchase, which would save a few bucks off the already dirt cheap (IMO) price.  Here is a link to the CAC website:


Oh yeah, I have no links with CAC or Paul.  I just think that he has some great products for great prices.  YMMV, Caveat Emptor, etc., etc. etc...


I got one from him last week he said I should see it
before x mass I will let everyone know when I get it.

William Stedman
1982 Urq
--- "Lino M. Valadas" <l.valadas at rogers.com> wrote:

>> Has anybody investigated the attached option.  I'm
>> considering giving this
>> guy a call?
>> Lino

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