[urq] Was engine stumbling

urq urq at pacbell.net
Tue Dec 7 10:46:19 EST 2004

... this may be the driver for the OXS Freq Valve not working all the time 
... or perhaps something with the OXS ... you might want to monitor the 
voltage on the OXS when this is happening.  If the OXS doesn't react until 
after the event I'd suspect the driver in the ECU.

Steve B
San Jose, CA (USA)

>  The interesting thing is this:  After the car is warm, it will idle
> with the duty cycle where I set it.  But somewhat periodically, the
> idle will jump up about 100rpm and the duty cycle will go to 99.2%
> (I'm guessing it's full open the multi-meter just isn't reading it
> right).  Also, closing the WOT switch doesn't seem to have any affect
> on the idle speed (I've read that it should).

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