[urq] CV Boot replacement

Bill Bennett ur.quattro at verizon.net
Tue Jan 13 00:38:49 EST 2004

or be even more careful and shove a friends screwdriver into a rotor cooling slot and let it lock against the caliper mount with all the wheel bolts installed, if it is a good friend, who hangs at Sears, you wont have to be careful, I have never seen this method break or bend anything in 30 years. though I am sure someone at URQ could change that. Impact Wrenchs are not a good idea around wheel bearings, I beleive the term is burnneling
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Phil Payne 
  To: John Gourley ; Audi URQ 
  Sent: Monday, January 12, 2004 9:39 AM
  Subject: Re: [urq] CV Boot replacement

  > >I noticed that one of my outer CV boots has a minor tear in it.   But how
  > >do you loosen the axle >bolts if you have no brakes to keep the axle from
  > >spinning?  Would a high power impact wrench do >the trick?

  Yes, it would.

  Another trick - but be careful - is to put two stud bolts back in and trap a tyre lever
  between them and the ground.  But make sure the car is well supported.

    Phil Payne
    +44 7785 302 803

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