: [urq] strut rubber bumper

Ado Sigal a.sigal at bluewin.ch
Thu Jan 15 14:24:38 EST 2004

You have to retain bump stop, because it is also the protection boot carrier, bur it should be shortened to suit. This
is a must if you lowering the car, and it should be trimmed to the size which would give you full suspension travel, in
case with shocks with integral stop, or 3/4 travel in case of non integral. Bilsteins could have a shaft size issue, so
if you can't go around it, get generic polyurethane stops and fitting boots, and trim them to suit.. Always finish them
in conical fashion, for progressive function. Remember, the length of a bump stop is on of the most common reasons for
harsh suspension on lowered cars. If you talking about Bilstein cartridges, and not about complete struts, fill the
space in-between the cartridge wall and strut wall with old or cheap oil, for heat transfer purposes. Most cartridges
prematurely fail due to this omission.



Steve Eiche wrote:
> Brandon,
> The bump stop is internal on the Bilstein, so there is no need to for an external one.  Anyway, if you could fit that stock bumper over the the Bilsteins I would give you a prize.
> Steve
> Brandon wrote:
> Hey guys-
> quick question-
> My stock struts had a somewhat conical rubber "bumper" at the top that the boot was attached to.  Does this rubber bumper transfer over to be used with the Bilsteins?
> TIA-
> Brandon
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