[urq] Replacing the Brake Servo on the UrQ

Phil Payne quattro at isham-research.com
Thu Jan 15 16:27:17 EST 2004

> For those who are planning to remove the brake servo
> on the UrQ I can report that the procedure on the US
> cars is extrememly easy. I can't spreak for the UK
> cars.

But I can.

They're exactly the same.  RHD ur-quattro brakes work using a pushrod from the pedal frame
mounted on the right hand side of the car, passing behind part of the heater and operating the
brake servo/master cylinder combination exactly as if a local (lefh hand side) foot pedal had
been used.

The only minor delta is that our clutch master cylinder is not fed from the brake fluid
reservoir but from a silly little pot under the windscreen.

  Phil Payne
  +44 7785 302 803

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