[urq] CGT gauges in Urq

Ado Sigal a.sigal at bluewin.ch
Wed Jan 28 15:26:17 EST 2004

- Certainly, pressure sender from CGT is made for it.
- You mean pressure sender and pressure switch connection, yes they do, and if my memory serves me right, the press.
switch value is 0.3 Atm, so use the connector from white press switch (0.3 Atm), to connect to combined switch - sender
unit, and use that place to screw in new unit. This would have no effect on the warning system, since the signal from
the p/switch doesn't change its path, nor function. This line goes to oil pres. relay, which differs from CGT , since it
has a buzzer warning, while Urq sends its signal to voice computer. Make a careful choice of new unit position, because
the new unit could be to close to the rad in bottom position, while the top position is fairly difficult to attend with
engine in situ. Oh.. flatten the connectors if they facing upwards, difficult to do when mounted.



James Howard wrote:
> I've just got myself a set of aux gauges from a CGT.
> I intend to keep only the oil pressure gauge and add some other gauges of my
> own.
> Any BTDT?
> Can I use the pressure sender from the CGT?
> Do the CGT senders have a gauge connection and a light connection, so I can
> keep my idiot light/voice warning (WR).

> Thanks,
> Jim.

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