[urq] K26 from Uri MB in 3B?

Brandon Rogers brogers at terrix.com
Wed Mar 24 16:07:05 EST 2004

My understanding of this is that it's not a good "upgrade".  Audi chose to
use the K24 because it is a better turbo that flows better than a K26, in a
nutshell.  With a K26, I understand there will be a two week turbo
lag.....I'm not aware of any people who have "upgraded" their 3B or AAN
motors with a K26..pretty much all the high horsepower guys use the RS2 or
Garrett turbos.

But hey, I'm pretty sure a water jacketed K26 will bolt right up to answwer
your question.

'84 urq 20V
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Kai" <kai at mktfabian.de>
To: <urq at audifans.com>
Sent: Monday, March 15, 2004 11:14 PM
Subject: [urq] K26 from Uri MB in 3B?

> Hi,
> I have heard that the Turbo K26 from the "old" 10V MB Urquattro fits to
> the 3B Engine and delivers more power than the original K24 from the 3B.
> Does anybody knows this?
> Many thanks
>   Kai
> ----------------------------------------------
> Achtung Adressaenderung!
> kai at mktfabian.de
> http://www.mktfabian.de
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