[urq] Corrado?

Schaible, David David.Schaible at jrspharma.com
Wed Nov 17 09:13:33 EST 2004

I was whistled at and sexually harassed by some college girls while
passing thru town, which was awesome, until one of them wanted to go
"back to the future" with me......must be a zermatt silver
thing.......anyhow, same day, I saw at a friends shop in town, (who is
dating bruno kreibach's daughter), bruno's urq project.....stopped me
dead in the road....83 alpine white ury w/ cibies', later style dash and
interior, group b suspension, group b spoiler (never was a fan of big
wing thingy but this looked perfect in white), whole thing was just put
back together after media blasting and painting, nice rims etc....got
yelled at for drooling on the new finish before I could see the engine,
mmmmmmmmmmm ury, aauuughhhhhghhggh,  (actually customers got in the way)
anyway good to see another kick ass restored urq ready to rip it up, I
have to stop back and see if john got his 4000k rally car ready in time
for for rally ny usa which was couple of weekends ago, which I missed
because I was out of town.....so I will find out what engine and mods is
in the ury at that time

Don't forget to tune in next week on mtv when funkmaster flex tricks out
an audi scirroccooooooo ;-)

David Schaible

JRS Pharma LP
2981 Rte 22
Patterson, NY 12563
-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Bennett [mailto:ur.quattro at verizon.net] 
Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 2004 1:53 AM
To: Mike Fitton; Brandon Rogers
Cc: Urq List
Subject: Re: [urq] Corrado?

Now about the Saturn? what will you pay to get rid of it? ;-)B PS you
an URQ is not a rebaged Scirocco?? shoot you are gonna make my black
engine turn sideways, wink stuff, billy ray bob
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Fitton" <rfitton at vt.edu>
To: "Brandon Rogers" <brogers at terrix.com>
Cc: "Urq List" <urq at audifans.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2004 10:29 PM
Subject: Re: [urq] Corrado?

> I used to have a Corrado, and I've been inches away from buying
> Sciroccos over the years, but I knew the difference between them and
> urQ since at least high school.  Actually, I've wanted an urQ since
> school, but I couldn't afford it.  Anyway, shame on him.  I got the
> thing about a year ago at a rally.  "Dude, that's one of those awd
> Sciroccos, right?"  Idiot.
> -Cheers!
> Mike Fitton
> 85 4KSQ
> 83 urQ Project
> 96 Saturn SW2 (for sale)
> 40' New Flyer Public Transportation
> 20' Montego (floating again)
> Boat Trailer with VTEC Type-R Badge
> Brandon Rogers wrote:
> >Well I got the old "is that a Corrado or Scirocco?" while paying for
today.  I wasn't the best ambassador as I pointedly said it was an Audi
turbo quattro coupe and it would smoke any Corrado...(true or not).  He
replied that it was the same company and it _did_ look like a Corrado.
Unfortunately I wasn't in the mood, and didn't really have time to
the poor fool.....
> >
> >oh well....
> >
> >Brandon
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