[urq] West Side UPG: Report & Photos....

Paul Lethbridge paul.lethbridge at ansys.com
Wed Sep 15 16:43:49 EDT 2004

Dear listers,
Here is an FTP download of the photos I took during our UPG meet.
Warning its 30 mByte.
I'm currently on a business trip and have not had time to put a cool
website together with captions, so download and enjoy...
Its was an awesome weekend.... driving along twisty roads with 8
additional urqs strung out behind in your rearview mirror is a great
My wife and I had a super time organizing, but as with any event its the
participation of the attendees that really makes it happen! 
The itinerary proceeded pretty much to plan, on Saturday we had a stroll
around Park City old town, then lunch followed by our first group drive,
down to Temple square which was a little too hot and congested largely
due to an accident closing I-80..anyway we escaped with heat soak and
reconvened at Big Cottonwood Canyon. This was a hill climb of 14 miles
gaining about 6000 feet to Guardsman pass. All the urq's did extremely
well..even our altitude challenged contender got to within 200 yards of
the top. Banging on the steering wheel wouldn't coax it any further up.
The group photo at the top says it all... Then we trundled back down for
dinner at the Porcupine. Jim had a brief interaction with a kindly
gentleman who owned the parking lot of the adjacent facility..he didn't
take too kindly to having 9 urq's lined up... so we moved and got down
to some pitchers of beer and fine food at the Porc.  I put together a
tough tech quiz which Tony Lum won, plus other awards such as bravest
soul (Sean) who traveled solo from Vegas, bravest partner (Mickey),
.Most altitude challenged (name withheld pending bribe), best survived
breakdown/problem (Ed).
Sunday started with a group breakfast where I presented a "fridge
magnet" with the group shot at Guardsman pass shot to each. Then and a
quick run to my house to pick up my dog and to relieve the pressure in
my bladder from multiple coffee refills. Its was simply an excuse to get
as many urq's as possible onto my driveway...! We then retired to the
hotel parking lot for some serious urq fiddling.... Andrew & Brandon
swapped interiors, others replaced vacuum hoses. Andrew explained that
'83 front seat side bolsters are about twice as high a those fitted to
'84's...Hmmmm  another future mod I think!.  
I set up the slot car track early and Tony Lum put out a great display
model urq's. After lunch 5 cars came on the second group run to East
Canyon. We made it to the top of "Big mountain pass" but due to
impending thunderstorms headed back to the hotel... On the on ramp to
I-80 in pouring rain my lowly '84 WX experienced the full capability of
Brandon's 20V..I was perhaps at 6000 rpm in 3rd, Brandon loomed larger &
larger in my mirror as if I was standing still. Got to get me one of
those 3B's!  Awesome Brandon. He modestly said that he didn't have much
ooomph left but I disagree. Jim's recent K24 swap also proved to be
extremely quick.
Back at the Hotel we spent most of the remainder of the afternoon with
the slot cars. Tony brought along a rare 4wd quattro Scalextric car...
We had a time trial race which Brandon won, Jim was second I think. I
achieved the "most consistent" prize....hmmmm.....  Jim peeled off home
and then the  rest of the group had a "last supper" of Pizza & Beer.  
O.K...I'm up for doing it again next year....same place & time-frame?
Kind regards,

	-----Original Message-----
	From: Paul Lethbridge 
	Sent: Friday, September 10, 2004 11:13 PM
	To: 'urq at audifans.com'
	Subject: [urq] West Side UPG: Off to a great start. ...
	Dear Listers, 
	Well the bulk of the attendees arrived tonight. 
	We have 9 urquattros ..awesome!
	No causalities...some of these urqs drove over 700 miles with no
	The event starts officially tomorrow....We get to check the
hardware out in the am....then a group drive and on to the other
scheduled events previously posted. I'll post photo's soon.
	Kind regards,

		-----Original Message-----
		From: Paul Lethbridge 
		Sent: Thursday, September 09, 2004 10:54 PM
		To: 'urq at audifans.com'
		Subject: [urq] water wetter.
		Another perspective is to consider is that the
temperature gauge is measuring the temperature of the water surrounding
the sender (a NTC or PTC resistor encased in brass/copper) not the
		If an additive to the water actually decreased the
efficiency with which heat is transferred from engine components to the
water, then the water temperature would be lower and your gauge would
also show a drop in temperature. You would thud be duped into thinking
that you are running at a lower temperature...meanwhile your "engine" is
actually running a lot hotter!
		Food for though..... 
		Kind regards,

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