[urq] West Side UPG

Gary Brown gmbchef at comcast.net
Thu Sep 16 12:03:08 EDT 2004

Fantastic pics! Excellent job for putting it all together, Paul.
s there any way to identify whos who? I should try to do that with the UPG pics from the last 2 years.

Brandon, were you able to get anything together on the T-shirts with the logo I sent you?

 We should try to get together a UPG National where the meeting place is like halfway between the farthest travelers.  

 Some guys, no matter where the event is held, will be within walking distance, and some will be 1000 miles away. 

I would drive my urq a couple thousand miles, with a passenger, to a big UPG National. Or at least in a caravan with folks that have passengers. Or maybe we can cram it in the back of Felixs' big ol' pickemup truck, and tow his pristine urq on the trailer.
Did I see Jim Fleishman in the pics? I met him before, when he bought his urq here in CT.

 Grat job. Well done. 

Now if only Hnatiw would start talkin...


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