[urq] West Side UPG

Buchholz, Steven Steven.Buchholz at kla-tencor.com
Thu Sep 16 12:26:46 EDT 2004

... my tuppence ...

To date the only venue that has worked for a "national" event for the
Audifans is Pikes Peak for the Hill Climb.  It is scheduled for a time when
people are usually on vacation, and has racing components.  AF98 even
included a track event somewhere in Colorado.  There is also a high density
of urq owners in that area.  

I'd be up for a national event next year at Pikes Peak ... and am also open
to alternatives ... say from the Mississippi River and points west ...

Steve B
San Jose, CA (USA) 
>  We should try to get together a UPG National where the 
> meeting place is like halfway between the farthest travelers.  
>  Some guys, no matter where the event is held, will be within 
> walking distance, and some will be 1000 miles away. 
> I would drive my urq a couple thousand miles, with a 
> passenger, to a big UPG National. Or at least in a caravan 
> with folks that have passengers. Or maybe we can cram it in 
> the back of Felixs' big ol' pickemup truck, and tow his 
> pristine urq on the trailer.

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