[urq] Ronal R8 weights, 8x15" and other brake comments

Rich Letsinger ricoletsinger at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 16 12:54:05 EDT 2004

> It seems the urq and the A4 are similar
> caliper dimensions, but no one has reported
> such a conversion.

Well then let me be the one to report it... ;)

A4 brakes are a direct bolt-on to the urq.  I ran a
set of A4 calipers and rotors and they were marginally
better than the G60 setup I had before it.  Then I
tried a BIRA Sys1 setup, Boxster calipers over A8
rotors, and it worked very well.  Finally I've gone
with a StopTech kit designed for the A4.  Combined
with the 200/S4 rear brakes, the car stops awesome.


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