[urq] ur-q six speed update

Patrick Miller patrick3 at mindspring.com
Fri Sep 17 08:49:36 EDT 2004

Hi Patrick,

Patrick Miller here.

I've put a CMG tranny into my UrQ(6sp from an S6+ rebuilt to CRB spec wrt first gear), and we're still trying to figure out which half shafts to use up front.  Considered making some, but if you have any suggestions or could tell me what you used, it might save us a BUNCH of R&D time.  We just got the suspension put back on yesterday, so measurements can now be taken, although we didn't have a chance to after the install.  We're using the stock uprights and hubs.  Used a 4000Q rear diff from an '84.  Driveshaft needs a spacer(what did you do there?).  

I'd be interested in hearing what you did to the subframe and shift tunnel to accomodate the 01E as well.  We had to do a lot of fabrication work, and ended up dropping the subframe by an inch with Teflon spacers, and modifying the UrS shift linkage to fit the tunnel, so we didn't have to reweld.  THe only piece to the puzzle left to tackle is the axles.  Any help appreciated.

By the way, do you have an AAN installed as well?


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