[urq] UPG Update 8/02/05 - Parts Swap?

Michael Hopton Michael at siliconoptix.com
Wed Aug 3 10:19:34 EDT 2005

Well I still "plan" on making the trip down to CT but if
you saw the state of my intended transport yesterday you
would be sharing my doubts. 

Anyhoo, it might not be bad time for the folks attending 
to clean out their garages and bring any/all spare parts
for a swap meet? Certainly would save on shipping? Any
interest? I know there must be a bunch of parts left over
from dash and 20vt swaps? Audi no longer carries the 

I am willing to swap Chris Semple a case of Canadian
beer (his choice) for a set of those new 8" ronals, Chris?

Cheers, Mike

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