[urq] Barrel crimper?

W.Stedman wstedman at sbcglobal.net
Sat Aug 20 23:14:41 EDT 2005

Bill Bennett wrote:

>VAG courtesy of Alldata
>  a.. All wiring harness and connector repairs must only be performed using 
>repair kit VAS 1978!
>  b.. Before beginning wiring and connector repairs, determine and rectify 
>the cause of damage, eg.: pinched between metal parts, malfunctioning 
>electrical consumers, corrosion due to water ingress etc.
>  c.. Soldering is NOT permitted to any vehicle wiring.
>  d.. Do not repair welded connections in wiring harnesses. If necessary, 
>fabricate overlay wiring harness.
>  e.. All shielded wiring (eg.: knock sensors, repair etc.) are Not to be 
>repaired! Replace complete wiring harnesses as necessary.
>  f.. When repairing airbag and seat belt tensioner wiring harnesses, use 
>only prescribed terminals, connectors and wiring.
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "j.koenig" <j.koenig at adelphia.net>
>To: "Bill Bennett" <ur.quattro at verizon.net>
>Sent: Saturday, August 20, 2005 6:27 AM
>Subject: Re: [urq] Barrel crimper?
When I said use solder it came from when I worked in a high end car 
audio shop the owner said he would never buy or supply or let any 
installer use crimpers!
And  in the 4 years I worked for that shop I NEVER saw any of the cars 
that we worked on come back to the shop for a short of any kind.
So now on to do I own a set of  crimpers  yes I  do  I own  a  few sets  
of  AMP crimpes  they  work  good  for  serten  things  but  when  I  
work  on  my  own  stuff  like my Urq or do alarm's I will always solder 
all the connections.

Here is a great site on Molex plugs. http://marvin3m.com/connect/ And 
like it says:/Connectors improve manufacturing:/
Connectors make it easier to assemble electronic products. They also 
facilitate mass production processes.

Not to be a pain but the part that says:

When repairing airbag and seat belt tensioner wiring harnesses, use 
only prescribed terminals, connectors and wiring. 

Throws me for a loop. As I have never seen a Urq in the US with a Air bag. what year car are you getting your info from?

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