[urq] VINS : North American Ur-q Registry Now Online
Buchholz, Steven
Steven.Buchholz at kla-tencor.com
Fri Aug 26 13:20:47 EDT 2005
... from my point of view if you want to maximize the chances people are
going to use a registry you need to work to accommodate what they
believe to be critical issues. Frankly, I don't understand the
requirement that a valid VIN be entered ... as you indicate, someone
could phony one if they wanted to mess with the registry. As to the
comment that the VIN is easily visible on the car ... obviously that is
true ... but there is no linkage to the owner's name and address info,
and someone's got to know where to go to see the car to be able to get
the full VIN. Unfortunately, the state my car is in prevents anyone
from getting the VIN information.
Perhaps a compromise would be to require the entry of the full VIN, but
allow the user to select making only the sequence and model year
information visible to the public.
Steve B
San Jose, CA (USA)
I think with 85D_900222 most of us could reconstruct the vin. We'd
just have to try a check digit that works with the VIN calculator. The
VIN is on display anyway on the A-pilliar. Does anyone know that
someone could use a VIN in a nefarious way? I know folks like to keep
it the VIN secret, but I always mentally question if there is a
benefit.. Anyway - it sounds nice if the registry accepts a short vin.
"Buchholz, Steven" <Steven.Buchholz at kla-tencor.com> wrote:
I'm perfectly willing to provide
the "short" VIN ... 85D_900222 in my case, but I'm not going to make the
full VIN public.
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