[urq] oil smell

Ingo Rautenberg i.rautenberg at waratap.com
Wed Dec 14 17:12:17 EST 2005


Methinks you have more of a problem than you might think.  If oil/sludge
burns off it burns off -- no more stink.  If it still stinks then some leak
must be feeding/leaking still to cause the stink. Pay particular attention
to the exhaust area and anywhere oil can drip onto the exhaust.  If you have
a leak at the turbo hot side, the oil will burn off and you won't have any
evidence.  In this case, the oil/fluid leak is likely only occurring while
the engine is running.  I would prefer to use (on a cool/just warm motor) a
few cans of Brake Cleaner.  It will clean the area and dry it at the same
time, allowing easier analysis of leaks.



----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Brandon Rogers" <brogers at terrix.com>
To: "Urq List" <urq at audifans.com>
Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2005 12:52 PM
Subject: [urq] oil smell

Guys -
man it has been slow around the List....I'll toss this out there-

So my car stinks.  Since the motor swap it has had a couple small oil and
hyd fluid leaks - so now my tranny and part of the motor have plenty of goop
on them.  Leaks are now fixed.  I get a hot oily smell in the cabin whenever
I drive the car - and of course I get home and the wifey says I stink.  So I
figure I'll try to get all the gunk off soon - probably use Gunk spray and
then hose off - however I'm hesitant to use the full-on power spray.

Any other thoughts as to cause of the smell?

Recommedations on getting the engine/tranny clean?

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