[urq] Oil Change

Louis-Alain_Richard at computerhorizons.com Louis-Alain_Richard at computerhorizons.com
Thu Jan 6 10:58:52 EST 2005

Hi Andrew,

Don't want to start an oil filter thread, but use this info for what it is:

For my urQ, I now use Pentosin full-synthetic 5W40 (winter) and Mobil 20W50
(summer). Oil consumption is low, but still present. No (big) external
leakages but the engine head was rebuilt and the rear main crank seal was
changed too. Some traces at the front crank seal.

First, I tried Castrol mineral 20W50 (moderate oil thirst) and 10W30 (1
liter each 1000km, very thirsty...). Castrol was the oil recommended by my

Filters: I bought a couple of sets of OEM VAG filters (035 115 561 and 035
115 591, 18$CAN each !!!) but now I use the very common Mann W719/5 and a
W712/20 (or Mahle OC78), both for less than 20$CAN.

I change the filters once a year (low annual mileage, oil cooler, good
quality synth oil and 2 filters !!!) and the oil twice a year.


L o u i s - A l a i n     R I C H A R D

             Andrew B                                                      
             <andrew.sb at gmail.                                             
             com>                                                       To 
             Sent by:                  urq at audifans.com                    
             urq-bounces at audif                                          cc 
                                       [urq] Oil Change                    
             2005-01-05 19:34                                              
             Please respond to                                             
                 Andrew B                                                  
             <andrew.sb at gmail.                                             

It's time for my first oil change on my Urq, and I'm wondering what
you guys recommend for oil; brand, synth/non, weight, etc.  Also, what
kind of filters for turbo and engine, and any part numbers or places
to get them.

Also, does the car need to be jacked up to drain the oil, and where is
the drain plug located in relation to the engine?

What does switching from dino to synth entail?

Sorry for all the questions, but maybe I'll just have someone else do
it, since it's so cold out.  Any suggestions on a place to take it, if
I choose to have it done?  I'm in MA, if that matters.


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