[urq] UPG 2005...a couple of options...
mtsea at prodigy.net
Sun Jan 16 09:30:42 EST 2005
I must agree upon Gary's mention of trying to get as many Urqs as possible to PA event. It's the 25th anniversary and we are recognized by ACNA as a small growing force in the Audi scheme of things.We were invited so we had no option in where the event was taking place.PA ain't that bad, it's allot closer to Chi town then Bethany, CT. At the Valenti Audi show the president of operations of Audi Sport of North America was shocked at the fact that 4 urqs showed up at the Probst/Galiti autograph session. He's never seen that many urqs in one location. Gary and myself simply produced a Cat-ate-the-canary grin and said "we throw a party every year for urq owners. Typically between 17 to 22 show up." It would be great if we could prove that to the upper Audi echelon that we are for real. So, I'm not sure of the Audi personnel on hand at the birthday bash in PA but I think between the two older Auto Union groups that are highly recognized, UPG and the 4000 group, it should be a hell of a
time. Lord knows QQ will be there and a hand full of other magazines should be on hand to document the party. I'm currently working on reordering UPG window stickers and possibly Upg T-shirts for the event.
On a side note: to come up with a central location to have a upg event in the future for everyone I think we should not neglect our Canadian brothers and sisters. We should then have the next UPG event in the geological center of North America, McCluskey North Dakota : )
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