[urq] help me?

Tony Hoffman tfh400036 at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 23 13:29:02 EST 2005

Sounds like out of coolant, that's why the heater quit working. Then, cooked the engine. Sometimes it will recover, sometimes not. Hope for the best, but it doesn't sound good.
Try to turn the engine over from the crank bolt with a breaker bar. If it doesn't, time for a swap. 
Tony Hoffman

Andrew B <andrew.sb at gmail.com> wrote:
Foolishly I had my car out last night, and while I was out, my heater
stopped heating, and about 150 feet from my apartment, the car stalled
and refused to start.

When I turn the key, I hear nothing, then click....click....click...
once every 5 seconds maybe? It comes from behind the dashboard
somewhere, or at least sounds like it.

I checked under the hood, the oil looks ok, from what i can tell. 
It's extremely clean, so it's difficult to read, but I just had an oil

The coolant was extremely low, and this leads me to believe it
overheated. I don't have a coolant gauge, yet. I ran across the
street and filled up the coolant overflow with some antifreeze, but
still nothing. I waited, and still nothing.

What is going on? What could be wrong with it? Could it be my
battery again? Something with the coolant system? When I got my oil
changed, the mechanic checked the level and told me the freezing point
was a little high. Last night there was nothing in there!? Could the
snow have knocked something loose?

I haven't tried starting it today, but I might later. Maybe if it's
cooled down, it will turn over? Should I get a new battery or
recharge the old one? Jump starting will be difficult given the

Please help, otherwise I might have to have it towed to the audi
dealership to what's wrong.

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