[urq] help me?

Brandon Rogers brogers at terrix.com
Mon Jan 24 19:22:41 EST 2005

or since it's hard to get to that big bolt on the crank maybe try putting it
in 5th and seeing if you can roll it a little bit???  I'm asuming this would
accomplish the same as using a breaker bar....

-hoping for the best-


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tony Hoffman" <tfh400036 at yahoo.com>
To: <urq at audifans.com>
Sent: Sunday, January 23, 2005 11:29 AM
Subject: Re: [urq] help me?

> Sounds like out of coolant, that's why the heater quit working. Then,
cooked the engine. Sometimes it will recover, sometimes not. Hope for the
best, but it doesn't sound good.
> Try to turn the engine over from the crank bolt with a breaker bar. If it
doesn't, time for a swap.
> Tony Hoffman
> Andrew B <andrew.sb at gmail.com> wrote:
> Foolishly I had my car out last night, and while I was out, my heater
> stopped heating, and about 150 feet from my apartment, the car stalled
> and refused to start.
> When I turn the key, I hear nothing, then click....click....click...
> once every 5 seconds maybe? It comes from behind the dashboard
> somewhere, or at least sounds like it.
> I checked under the hood, the oil looks ok, from what i can tell.
> It's extremely clean, so it's difficult to read, but I just had an oil
> change.
> The coolant was extremely low, and this leads me to believe it
> overheated. I don't have a coolant gauge, yet. I ran across the
> street and filled up the coolant overflow with some antifreeze, but
> still nothing. I waited, and still nothing.
> What is going on? What could be wrong with it? Could it be my
> battery again? Something with the coolant system? When I got my oil
> changed, the mechanic checked the level and told me the freezing point
> was a little high. Last night there was nothing in there!? Could the
> snow have knocked something loose?
> I haven't tried starting it today, but I might later. Maybe if it's
> cooled down, it will turn over? Should I get a new battery or
> recharge the old one? Jump starting will be difficult given the
> conditions.
> Please help, otherwise I might have to have it towed to the audi
> dealership to what's wrong.
> -Andrew
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