[urq] Water Pump and Timing Belt was "help"

Louis-Alain_Richard at computerhorizons.com Louis-Alain_Richard at computerhorizons.com
Tue Jan 25 15:16:27 EST 2005

On our car, getting to the water pump is easily done from above. When doing
the t-belt, it's the removal of the crank pulley that takes time (bumper,
lower valance, special tools to lock the cranck, etc). So for me, 300$ more
for the belt job is not out of range. I did it myself
(self-congratulations...) a few years ago and the complet job will take a
day, no less.

Just to figure the costs of the parts:
-water pump (OEM) was 120$
-the T-belt (OEM) was 40$.
-valve cover gasket (rubber): 18$
-Rental of the crank locking tools at a nearby garage: 1 case of 12


             Andrew B                                                      
             <andrew.sb at gmail.                                             
             com>                                                       To 
             Sent by:                  urq at audifans.com                    
             urq-bounces at audif                                          cc 
                                       Re: [urq] Water Pump and Timing     
             2005-01-25 14:34          Belt was "help"                     
             Please respond to                                             
                 Andrew B                                                  
             <andrew.sb at gmail.                                             

Thanks all for being so helpful.

Right now i'm looking at roughly 450 for the water pump and the labor
to do it.  He wants 750 to do the timing belt while he's in there.
The guy is a dick, however, as judging by the bentley manual (yes I
have one) the timing belt is right there, and shouldn't be impossible
to throw a new one on, plus doing the timing, which could add an hour
or so.  Right now I just told him to put the new water pump in, but he
hasn't gotten to the tb yet, so I don't know what shape it's in.  I
told him the PO installed one not too long ago, just because I can't
afford the extra $300 right now.


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