[urq] Water Pump and Timing Belt was "help"

Bob bob at audisport.com
Tue Jan 25 15:19:15 EST 2005

It really isnt that bad of a job at all.... I did mine this weekend, 
including front seal. Only took about 2 hours.

Louis-Alain_Richard at computerhorizons.com wrote:

>On our car, getting to the water pump is easily done from above. When doing
>the t-belt, it's the removal of the crank pulley that takes time (bumper,
>lower valance, special tools to lock the cranck, etc). So for me, 300$ more
>for the belt job is not out of range. I did it myself
>(self-congratulations...) a few years ago and the complet job will take a
>day, no less.
>Just to figure the costs of the parts:
>-water pump (OEM) was 120$
>-the T-belt (OEM) was 40$.
>-valve cover gasket (rubber): 18$
>-Rental of the crank locking tools at a nearby garage: 1 case of 12
>             Andrew B                                                      
>             <andrew.sb at gmail.                                             
>             com>                                                       To 
>             Sent by:                  urq at audifans.com                    
>             urq-bounces at audif                                          cc 
>             ans.com                                                       
>                                                                   Subject 
>                                       Re: [urq] Water Pump and Timing     
>             2005-01-25 14:34          Belt was "help"                     
>             Please respond to                                             
>                 Andrew B                                                  
>             <andrew.sb at gmail.                                             
>                   com>                                                    
>Thanks all for being so helpful.
>Right now i'm looking at roughly 450 for the water pump and the labor
>to do it.  He wants 750 to do the timing belt while he's in there.
>The guy is a dick, however, as judging by the bentley manual (yes I
>have one) the timing belt is right there, and shouldn't be impossible
>to throw a new one on, plus doing the timing, which could add an hour
>or so.  Right now I just told him to put the new water pump in, but he
>hasn't gotten to the tb yet, so I don't know what shape it's in.  I
>told him the PO installed one not too long ago, just because I can't
>afford the extra $300 right now.
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