[urq] Re: Where do I look up part numbers?

Phil Payne quattro at isham-research.com
Thu Jan 27 06:56:07 EST 2005

Both the French & Russian sites disappeared very quietly - I don't know if 
there was any enemy action involved.  

ETKA is a bit of a conundrum because it doesn't belong to Audi - it was 
developed by a company called Lexcom in Munich and even Audi's hands may be 

I have no idea how the Russian site worked - my interest was only in the 
ur-quatttro and the French site was in Engkish.  But of course it's 
ur-quattro only.

I downloaded the French site just before it disappeared and I have it 
working on my laptop.  I don't like it because it's all dynamic HTML - each 
page is built literally from scratch when it's opened.  I don't like this 
approach for two reasons - it precludes the use of external search engines, 
and it makes it very difficult to annotate pages with hyperlinks to provide 
hints and tips, alternative suppliers, etc.

As an example, it takes 3200 lines of script to produce the 12-line index 
to fuel and exhaust.

I'm playing with it.  One point is - ETKA is copyright by Lexcom - but who 
owns the drawings?  The second point is that whatever I do will be 
ur-quattro only - but anyone will be welcome to steal it and fit it up for 
the Type 44.

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