[urq] Soft Brake Pedal Again :(

spot.ontheroad spot.ontheroad at virgin.net
Mon Jun 27 16:08:43 EDT 2005

Do you have a spare P/Steering pump you can try? Sounds like yours may be on 
the way out. Worth a try if you have one. Doesn't sound like an ABS problem 
to me but I would be interested to know the cause once yu have it sorted.
All the best


'87 WR
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Maurits Jonkergouw" <urq at moregraphics.nl>
To: "Audifans" <urq at audifans.com>
Sent: Saturday, June 25, 2005 10:55 PM
Subject: [urq] Soft Brake Pedal Again :(

Just fitted the brand new OEM BMC and bled the system (once). Unfortunately 
for me and Mr.Wallet, the pedal feels exactly the same: running engine 
_medium force_ moderate soft pedal, engine off: hard pedal. On the other 
hand, when I fully lock the steering wheel: running engine _light force_ 
very soft pedal.

The first thing I noticed though (before the test drive) was the ATF level 
dropped significantly (almost empty) after my first attempt to apply the 
brakes with running engine and filled it half way up. Tried a new bomb test 
and the ATF level still refuses to rise and again it only moves 5-10 mm up 
and down each time I pushed the pedal. The fluid does not move at all when 
the engine is running btw.

The very nice man who helped me with the bleeding said the only possibility 
was a faulty ABS pump because it's the only thing left in the system that 
could hold that much air causing the pedal to go down and suggested to 
completely bypassing the ABS system by re-routing the hard lines with new 
ones and and see if the problem persists.

What do you think of his theory?

PS my spirited test drive proved a bloody hot steering pump (couldn't touch 
it). Yet another concern?



1986 GV (Swiss WR)
1985 CGT KV
1982 GL DD
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