[urq] Buying Parts, Performance can be excellant

Bill Bennett ur.quattro at verizon.net
Tue Jun 28 23:01:47 EDT 2005

I buy stuff on the internet for wants and needs for me and for da house all 
da time, and for da bitch, my son's bitch too, this weekend I was looking 
for a strut brace for my Son's bitch, could not find one, (ED)even in the 
UK, so I sent a note to Force Five, sure no problem has one in stock, OK I 
want it ship it to me, reply? hell yeah, snip: "OK, we'll ship out today for 
you. Let's go check off the invoice". saves him money for what visa would 
pork him for, shows me trust, next time I need anything for the red or black 
bitches chris at forcefiveauto.com  will be my first source.
Best to all, Bill 

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