[urq] cooling system
Ed Kellock
ekellock at gmail.com
Thu Jun 30 17:20:09 EDT 2005
I wondered about air pockets and thought that would sort itself out.
The leak this morning was only the 2nd warm/cool cycle since the
When I removed the thermostat, I flushed the engine very thoroughly
with a garden hose. Then it sat open for 2 days until I installed the
new hose. So lots of small passages up higher in the engine may have
drained. I refilled with coolant and distilled water.
I believe I'll begin with option C right after work today.
On 6/30/05, Schaible, David <David.Schaible at jrspharma.com> wrote:
> I believe what you are hearing is;
> a- dispersed air trapped in the system rising to the top after the
> engine stops
> b- air leaking into the system after the system cools and the volume
> decreases
> c- your stomach gurgling telling you it's time to drink a beer (and not
> worry until you have a serious leak and run out of coolant)
> system should be run until fan on, with reservoir cap off to refill
> after a leak to get air out and fill properly
> a- not a big thing
> b- should be addressed to find where leak is
> c- should be addressed immediately, repeat as necessary!!
> David Schaible
> JRS Pharma LP
> 2981 Rte 22
> Patterson, NY 12563
> 845.878.3414
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Louis_Alain_Richard at computerhorizons.com
> [mailto:Louis_Alain_Richard at computerhorizons.com]
> Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2005 3:37 PM
> To: Ed Kellock
> Cc: Urq List; urq-bounces at audifans.com
> Subject: Re: [urq] cooling system
> Is this indicative of any particular problem? Or might it be
> considered normal? Two coolant leaks back-to-back could be
> coincidence, I suppose...
> Ed
> When I had this problem in 2002, I had to replace many many parts
> because
> all would fail one after the other :
> heater valve, upper hose, radiator, coolant hose, water pump. Then, it
> stopped leaking. I guess i am on the verge of a major leak now...
> Also, when refilling the engine (after an head swap), I found that it
> was
> real difficult to fill the engine because of water pockets somewhere. It
> took me a couple of cycles (heat + cool down) to remove all the air
> completely. This was frightening : a brand new rebuilt head, the first
> time
> I start the engine, I clearly heard water bubbling and hissing right at
> the
> upper hose junction. Stopped the engine, still more bubbling and water
> vapor coming out of the expansion tank... Real scary.
> HTH,
> Louis-Alain
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