15K: [urq] Lofty goal? or Grand dilusion...

steven j michellepfeiffersx at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 14 22:18:18 EST 2005

I looked at the car but didn't drive it because I knew
I wasn't going to meet the 15K reserve.  The rear
spoiler had some bubble and ripples in it.  The
inspection sticker was from 2001.  It also had a very
low vin (#109?) so I think a few parts like brake
cables are even harder to acquire than on my #497.  I
figured if I'm patient I can get a similiar car for
Yes - I noticed Andrews 84 - but it's on the wrong
coast.  Nice urq's are harder to find in the NYC area 
- so I think they sell for an extra $2000 vs Colorado.
steve M.
--- AudiQtroCp at aol.com wrote:
> Has anyone been looking at that gold UrQ on ebay
> with 115k miles?
> I think it was relisted as it did not meet the
> reserve last time around.  I 
> just took the time to read his description - his
> reserve is $15,000 ?   Good 
> lord Mary!
> I hate to break it to him, but...
> Even at $10,000 there are at least 2 others in NA
> that I would buy before 
> that horrid gold...  (not to offend)  Andrews Helios
> '84 would be one...
> Oh well, just had to vent.
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