[urq] intermittent ignition cutout

Ed Kellock ekellock at adelphia.net
Wed Mar 23 00:26:01 EST 2005

Had hoped that my IC and burnt wire adventures would yield some change to the cutout.
Still chasing the wire, so won't know for sure until its resolved.

But, I've gotten a pretty clear fix on the behavior of the cutout, purely subjectively of
course.  The cutout does appear to be temperature sensitive to some degree, though not
summer heat temp type sensitivity.

The car starts up beautifully and runs nicely as it warms, but as it does, the cutout
manifests.  It's almost always momentary and as long as it's not a idle (even sometimes if
it is), the cutout is short enough that the engine will catch and continue running.

I bought some resistors to put in place of a couple of sensors so as to fake out the ecu
and either eliminate or isolate the issue.  In looking at the tdc and rpm sensors, there
is a 3rd wire for ground.  I haven't quite sorted out how to rig that to fake out the ecu.

I have swapped in a spare ignition module (thanks Dennis!), however the behavior was

The cutout is definitely electrical in nature.  The tach drops to zero and I think even
the fuel pump quits, though I'm not positive about that.  I replaced the ignition switch
and the fuel pump relay about a year or 2 ago while diagnosing a no-start situation.

I've been wondering about the load reduction relay.  Mine appears to be original.  I do
hear a click when the ignition cuts out.  Haven't been able to isolate it yet though.

Just a recap and thinking out loud.  I'm open to your thoughts.


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