[urq] Wires at air temp sensor are no longer soldered or connected.

Tony Hoffman tfh400036 at yahoo.com
Sun May 1 17:13:57 EDT 2005

I haven't had any experience on the urq's with these, but should be the same as the 5ks and V8's. In that case, soldering should be what the factory did, and I just fixed one on a V8 this way. I'd heat shrink it when you are done, and that should keep the wires from breaking and getting corroded in the future.
Tony Hoffman

steven j <michellepfeiffersx at yahoo.com> wrote:
USA car DA497. WHen I pulled of the rubber boot I
found the wires disconnected (previously I was getting
an open circuit reading at pins 18 and 19). 

I'd be afraid to resolder - as the sensor is reading
20 ohms - which means it might be working.

What's an ok way to make this connection? buy
something from audi of just get some crimps from radio
shack? Drill a little hole and screw it together?

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