May 2005 Archives by author
Starting: Sun May 1 01:24:52 EDT 2005
Ending: Tue May 31 23:46:26 EDT 2005
Messages: 298
- [urq] RS2 Blue "81 urQ
A2000sportster at
- [urq] RE: {urq] Smoked Tailights and License Plate Trim
A2000sportster at
- [urq] Auxilliary Radiator
- [urq] Door Panels
- [urq] Door strips on 4K CSC
- [urq] Door strips on 4K CSC
- [urq] Smoked Taillights and License Plate Light Trim
- [urq] Carlisle Car Show
- [urq] Clutch slave cylinder retaining pin-removal?
Jon Archibald
- [urq] Clutch Slave Cyl. Replacement...(bit more help?)
Jon Archibald
- [urq] Doing the brake shake...not a dance I enjoy!
AudiQtroCp at
- [urq] Doing the brake shake...not a dance I enjoy!
AudiQtroCp at
- [urq] Doing the brake shake...Resolved
AudiQtroCp at
- [urq] Dash swap ?'s
AudiQtroCp at
- [urq] time delay relays
AudiQtroCp at
- [urq] Electrical Gurus - Dash upgrade complete
AudiQtroCp at
- [urq] Zermatt Paint
Andrew B
- [urq] Doing the brake shake...not a dance I enjoy!
Andrew B
- [urq] Alternator Q
Andrew B
- [urq] Alternator Q
Andrew B
- 10.6k is no problem : [urq] Automobile magazine - other misinfo
Andrew B
- [urq] Urq spotted!! anyone here?
Andrew B
- [urq] Headlight switch compatibility
- [urq] 3B conversion
- [urq] 3B conversion update!
- [urq] DIY aluminum wheels refinishing
Charles Baer
- [urq] Distributor Cover Part Number
Charles Baer
- [urq] Fw: Sport Craft Autoart Street Car sale
Wylie Bean
- [urq] Automobile magazine - other misinfo
Bruce Bell
- [urq] Automobile magazine - other misinfo
Bruce Bell
- [urq] reverse light short
Bruce Bell
- [urq] UPG-CT 2005...preliminary feeler
Bill Bennett
- [urq] UPG-CT 2005...preliminary feeler
Bill Bennett
- [urq] Doing the brake shake...not a dance I enjoy!
Bill Bennett
- [urq] Right inner cv boot keeps coming off
Bill Bennett
- [urq] Clutch slave cylinder retaining pin-removal?
Bill Bennett
- [urq] Clutch slave cylinder retaining pin-removal?
Bill Bennett
- [urq] Fw: Sport Craft Autoart Street Car sale
Bill Bennett
- [urq] Automobile magazine - other misinfo
Bill Bennett
- [urq] Re: slave cylinder pin
Bill Bennett
- [urq] Fw: slave cylinder pin
Bill Bennett
- [urq] Fw: Sport Craft Autoart Street Car sale
Bill Bennett
- [urq] Door Panels
Bill Bennett
- [urq] Weird clutch
Bill Bennett
- [urq] Re: Expensive Fuchs (not Chris's fault...) (long)
Mark J. Besso
- [urq] Re: DIY aluminum wheels refinishing
Mark J. Besso
- [urq] Door strips on 4K CSC
- [urq] urq steering racks
- [urq] 20V conversion
Dan Bocek
- [urq] Re: DIY aluminum wheels refinishing
Drew Boyd
- [urq] Re: urq Digest, Vol 19, Issue 14
Gary Brown
- [urq] Doing the brake shake...not a dance I enjoy!
Buchholz, Steven
- [urq] Right inner cv boot keeps coming off
Buchholz, Steven
- [urq] Clutch slave cylinder retaining pin-removal?
Buchholz, Steven
- [urq] Smoked Taillights and License Plate Light Trim
Buchholz, Steven
- [urq] no start - hall sender voltage never changes.
Buchholz, Steven
- [urq] Fuel pump jumper
Buchholz, Steven
- [urq] reverse light short
Buchholz, Steven
- [urq] After-market Boost Gauge Install
Buchholz, Steven
- [urq] Maine Forest Rally
- [urq] Automobile Mag...doubt its a typo and UPG-CT 25 in
- [urq] Urq spotted!! anyone here?
- [urq] calling all early build 83's,
got a Carlisle and MOT
- [urq] Re: DIY aluminum wheels refinishing
Kevin D. Caldwell
- [urq] Injector Cross Ref.?
Patrick Carlier
- [urq] Hitch for Ur Quattro?
Chaplen, John
- [urq] Hi all and Roebling Road - May 21/22
The Corbs
- [urq] URQ valuation
DGraber460 at
- I do see an inner hose clamp in ETKA: [urq] Right inner cv boot
keeps com...
DGraber460 at
- I do see an inner hose clamp in ETKA: [urq] Right inner cv boot
keeps com...
DGraber460 at
- [urq] The WX is acting up again
DGraber460 at
- [urq] Clutch slave cylinder retaining pin-removal?
DGraber460 at
- [urq] Oil Issue
DGraber460 at
- [urq] URQ for sale (not mine)
DGraber460 at
- [urq] Re: DIY aluminum wheels refinishing
Brett Dikeman
- [urq] Re: DIY aluminum wheels refinishing
Brett Dikeman
- [urq] Re: DIY aluminum wheels refinishing
Brett Dikeman
- [urq] Re: Smoked Taillights and License Plate Light Trim
Brett Dikeman
- [urq] Automobile magazine - other misinfo
Brett Dikeman
- [urq] ur-q Restoration Questions
Steve Eiche
- [urq] CV Joints and Half Shaft Interchange - HELP
Andrew Finney
- [urq] Doing the brake shake...not a dance I enjoy!
Andrew Finney
- [urq] Clutch slave cylinder retaining pin-removal?
Andrew Finney
- [urq] Drive shaft lengths - No Crude Jokes
Andrew Finney
- [urq] Rear UrQ Hubs - Unique to UrQ?
Andrew Finney
- [urq] Maine Forest Rally Question
Andrew Finney
- [urq] single vs. dual oil filters
Mike Fitton
- [urq] swaybar bushings...or others for that matter
Mike Fitton
- [urq] ball joint options
Mike Fitton
- [urq] silly fan question
Mike Fitton
- [urq] Re: DIY aluminum wheels refinishing
Jim Haseltine
- [urq] Re: DIY aluminum wheels refinishing
Jim Haseltine
- [urq] Wheel refinishing
Jim Haseltine
- [urq] Wheel refinishing
Jim Haseltine
- [urq] Rod Knock?
Jim Haseltine
- [urq] urq steering racks
Jim Haseltine
- [urq] Wires at air temp sensor are no longer soldered or
Tony Hoffman
- [urq] Fuel Accumulator Removal
Tony Hoffman
- [urq] no start - hall sender voltage never changes.
Tony Hoffman
- [urq] Automobile magazine - other misinfo
Tony Hoffman
- [urq] Fuel pump jumper
Tony Hoffman
- [urq] Dash swap ?'s
Tony Hoffman
- [urq] Clutch slave cylinder retaining pin-removal?
Michael Hopton
- [urq] Automobile magazine - other misinfo
Michael Hopton
- [urq] Fuel pump jumper
Michael Hopton
- [urq] Distributor Cover Part Number
Michael Hopton
- [urq] Automobile magazine - other misinfo
Michael Hopton
- [urq] ur-q Restoration Questions
Michael Hopton
- [urq] Automobile Mag
Thatcher Hubbard
- [urq] Brake Booster
Thatcher Hubbard
- [urq] intake hoses, whos gotem ?
Thatcher Hubbard
- [urq] Doing the brake shake...not a dance I enjoy!
Daniel Jones
- [urq] UPG-CT 2005...preliminary feeler
Daniel Jones
- [urq] Stopping Power: 100%- 50%- 10%- BLEEDING (2)
Maurits Jonkergouw
- [urq] Brake Master Cylinder Rebuild Kit
Maurits Jonkergouw
- [urq] Stopping Power: 100%- 50%- 10%- SORTED
Maurits Jonkergouw
- [urq] Re: Brake Master Cylinder Rebuild Kit SORTED
Maurits Jonkergouw
- [urq] Still no Brakes and Bomb test failed, now what?
Maurits Jonkergouw
- [urq] Mysterious Brake Pedal Feeling
Maurits Jonkergouw
- [urq] Leaking Brake Master Cylinder?
Maurits Jonkergouw
- [urq] 24 Hour Brake Servo Leakdown Test Results
Maurits Jonkergouw
- [urq] Brake Booster
Maurits Jonkergouw
- [urq] Brake Master Cylinder P/N 443~447 611 021
Maurits Jonkergouw
- [urq] Brake Master Cylinder P/N 443~447 611 021
Maurits Jonkergouw
- [urq] Speaking of bad luck...
Maurits Jonkergouw
- [urq] Front crank pulley woes
- [urq] Wheel refinishing
Kenneth Keith
- [urq] Right inner cv boot keeps coming off
Ed Kellock
- [urq] Clutch slave cylinder retaining pin-removal?
Ed Kellock
- [urq] Fuel Accumulator Removal
Ed Kellock
- [urq] intermittent ignition cutout
Ed Kellock
- [urq] Fw: Sport Craft Autoart Street Car sale
Ed Kellock
- [urq] Fw: Sport Craft Autoart Street Car sale
Ed Kellock
- [urq] 4/30 urq GTG photos
Rich Letsinger
- [urq] RS2 Blue "81 urQ
Rich Letsinger
- [urq] Fuel Accumulator Removal
Rich Letsinger
- [urq] Fuel Accumulator Removal
Rich Letsinger
- [urq] Doing the brake shake...Resolved
Rich Letsinger
- [urq] Brake Master Cylinder P/N 443~447 611 021
Rich Letsinger
- [urq] UPG-CT 2005...preliminary feeler
Louis-Alain_Richard at
- [urq] DIY aluminum wheels refinishing
Louis-Alain_Richard at
- [urq] Wheel refinishing
Louis-Alain_Richard at
- [urq] Doing the brake shake...Resolved
Tony Lum
- [urq] Cruise control
Tony Lum
- [urq] Old School Quattro's II August 20-21, 2005 Cumberland MD
Doug Macy
- [urq] Re: 215/50 x15 will they work on car with H&R springs
MikeDes156 at
- [urq] Brake Booster
MikeDes156 at
- [urq] June issue of Thoroughbred & Classic Cars
MikeDes156 at
- [urq] UPG-CT 2005...preliminary feeler
Brady Moffatt
- [urq] Wires at air temp sensor are no longer soldered or connected.
Newsh at
- [urq] reverse light short
Newsh at
- [urq] My '83 Ur-q is sold
Martin Pajak
- [urq] UPG-CT 2005...preliminary feeler
Martin Pajak
- [urq] DIY aluminum wheels refinishing
Martin Pajak
- [urq] DIY aluminum wheels refinishing
Martin Pajak
- [urq] Re: Recent Birth!
Martin Pajak
- [urq] Oil Issue
Martin Pajak
- [urq] ur-q Restoration Questions
Martin Pajak
- [urq] Rear UrQ Hubs - Unique to UrQ?
Martin Pajak
- [urq] Free non-sunroof roof...
Martin Pajak
- [urq] urq steering racks
Martin Pajak
- [urq] Zermatt Paint
Pasqualoni, James E
- [urq] Doing the brake shake...not a dance I enjoy!
Pasqualoni, James E
- [urq] Automobile magazine - other misinfo
Pasqualoni, James E
- [urq] Automobile magazine - other misinfo
Pasqualoni, James E
- [urq] Brake Booster
Pasqualoni, James E
- [urq] Higher Speed Stumble
Pasqualoni, James E
- [urq] Brake Booster
Pasqualoni, James E
- [urq] Automobile magazine - other misinfo
Pasqualoni, James E
- [urq] Higher Speed Stumble
Pasqualoni, James E
- [urq] Oil Issue
Pasqualoni, James E
- re. [urq] Rod Knock?
Pasqualoni, James E
- [urq] Brake Master Cylinder P/N 443~447 611 021
Pasqualoni, James E
- [urq] Brake Master Cylinder P/N 443~447 611 021
Pasqualoni, James E
- [urq] Brake Master Cylinder P/N 443~447 611 021
Pasqualoni, James E
- [urq] After-market Boost Gauge Install
Pasqualoni, James E
- [urq] After-market Boost Gauge Install
Pasqualoni, James E
- [urq] time delay relays
Alan Pemberton
- [urq] intake hoses, whos gotem ?
Thomas Pollock
- [urq] Injector Cross Ref.?
Huw Powell
- [urq] RE: Urq T-shirt Update
Alan Pritchard
- [urq] URQ valuation
Raudi83TQ at
- [urq] Doing the brake shake...not a dance I enjoy!
Ingo Rautenberg
- [urq] UPG-CT 2005...preliminary feeler
Ingo Rautenberg
- [urq] Doing the brake shake...not a dance I enjoy!
Ingo Rautenberg
- [urq] Automobile Mag
Ingo Rautenberg
- [urq] Automobile magazine - other misinfo
Ingo Rautenberg
- [urq] Automobile magazine - other misinfo
Ingo Rautenberg
- [urq] Automobile magazine - other misinfo
Ingo Rautenberg
- [urq] Brake Booster
Eric Renneisen
- [urq] LAC: Expensive Fuchs (not Chris's fault...) (long)
Louis-Alain Richard
- [urq] Doing the brake shake...not a dance I enjoy!
Louis-Alain Richard
- [urq] Doing the brake shake...not a dance I enjoy!
Justin Riley
- [urq] Doing the brake shake...not a dance I enjoy!
Justin Riley
- [urq] Doing the brake shake...Resolved
Justin Riley
- [urq] White crust covering fuel lines behind wastegate
(picture)(fire hazard?)
Brandon Rogers
- [urq] Wires at air temp sensor are no longer soldered or
Brandon Rogers
- [urq] UPG-CT 2005...preliminary feeler
Brandon Rogers
- [urq] Doing the brake shake...not a dance I enjoy!
Brandon Rogers
- [urq] Automobile Mag
Brandon Rogers
- [urq] Urq T-shirt Update
Brandon Rogers
- [urq] 84 urq fuel adjustments and hose search
Brandon Rogers
- [urq] Intercoolers
Brandon Rogers
- [urq] Wheel refinishing
Brandon Rogers
- [urq] Wheel refinishing
Brandon Rogers
- [urq] Doing the brake shake...Resolved
Brandon Rogers
- [urq] Wheel refinishing
Brandon Rogers
- [urq] Automobile magazine - other misinfo
Brandon Rogers
- [urq] Automobile magazine - other misinfo
Brandon Rogers
- [urq] UPG CT 05
Brandon Rogers
- [urq] Higher Speed Stumble
Brandon Rogers
- [urq] ur-q Restoration Questions
Brandon Rogers
- [urq] Ur-q T-shirts
Brandon Rogers
- [urq] Brake Master Cylinder P/N 443~447 611 021
Brandon Rogers
- [urq] Brake Master Cylinder P/N 443~447 611 021
Brandon Rogers
- [urq] Cruise control
Brandon Rogers
- [urq] Shirts are here
Brandon Rogers
- [urq] Extra shirts
Brandon Rogers
- [urq] T-shirts Shipped
Brandon Rogers
- [urq] 4/30 urq GTG photos
Marc Salamone
- [urq] Clutch slave cylinder retaining pin-removal?
Tom Saltino
- [urq] UPG-CT 2005...preliminary feeler
Schaible, David
- [urq] RE: Carlisle Car Show
Chris Semple
- [urq] RS2 Blue "81 urQ
Frederick Smith
- [urq] urq steering racks
- [urq] Doing the brake shake...not a dance I enjoy!
John Stone
- re. [urq] Clutch slave cylinder retaining pin-removal?
Ben Swann
- [urq] Re: Recent Birth!
Ben Swann
- [urq] Re: Recent Birth!
Ben Swann
- [urq] Carlisle Car Show
Ben Swann
- [urq] Re: Carlisle Car Show
Ben Swann
- [urq] re. 2nd Annual Old School Quattro's Aug 19-21 Cumberland, MD
Ben Swann
- re. [urq] Rod Knock?
Ben Swann
- re. [urq] Rod Knock?
Ben Swann
- [urq] Door strips on 4K CSC
Ben Swann
- [urq] Hitch for Ur Quattro?
Ben Swann
- [urq] Hitch for Ur Quattro?
Ben Swann
- [urq] Injector Cross Ref.?
Ben Swann
- [urq] Injector Cross Ref.?
Ben Swann
- re. [urq] 3B conversion update!
Ben Swann
- [urq] 4/30 urq GTG photos
Mike Sylvester
- [urq] Right inner cv boot keeps coming off
Mike Sylvester
- I do see an inner hose clamp in ETKA: [urq] Right inner cv boot
keeps com...
Mike Sylvester
- [urq] Automobile magazine - other misinfo
Mike Sylvester
- [urq] Dash swap ?'s
Mike Sylvester
- [urq] Automobile magazine - other misinfo
Mike Del Tergo
- [urq] RE: {urq] Smoked Tailights and License Plate Trim
Mike Del Tergo
- [urq] Oil Issue
Mike Del Tergo
- Subject: Re: [urq] UPG-CT 2005...preliminary feeler
Lino M. Valadas
- [urq] Sport Quattro Brakes
Jack Walker
- [urq] Dash swap for UrQ
Jack Walker
- [urq] ur-q Restoration Questions
a.j.gaidos at
- [urq] remanufactured turbo
a.j.gaidos at
- [urq] my 1985 quattro
a.j.gaidos at
- [urq] no start - hall sender voltage never changes.
- [urq] no start mystery WAS the hall sender in distributor
- [urq] Re: Recent Birth!
arpad buzas
- Subject: RE: [urq] Doing the brake shake...not a dance I enjoy!
william chapman
- Subject: Re: [urq] UPG-CT 2005...preliminary feeler
william chapman
- [urq] UrQ brake booster/servo
daniel darlington
- [urq] Zermatt Paint
daniel darlington
- [urq] Doing the brake shake...not a dance I enjoy!
daniel darlington
- [urq] Cruise control
djdawson2 at
- [urq] Back in an UrQ
djdawson2 at
- [urq] reverse light short
djdawson2 at
- [urq] Doing the brake shake...not a dance I enjoy!
daniel dornseif
- [urq] The WX is acting up again
daniel dornseif
- [urq] Rod Knock?
- [urq] "Rod Knock" Report
- [urq] Re: reverse light short
- [urq] Injector Cross Ref.?
- [urq] UPG-CT 2005...preliminary feeler
gmbchef at
- [urq] Wires at air temp sensor are no longer soldered or connected.
steven j
- [urq] White crust covering fuel lines behind wastegate (picture)
(fire hazard?)
steven j
- [urq] Zermatt Paint
steven j
- [urq] Right inner cv boot keeps coming off
steven j
- Is the inner: [urq] Right inner cv boot keeps coming off
steven j
- I do see an inner hose clamp in ETKA: [urq] Right inner cv boot keeps
coming off
steven j
- I do see an 70mm inner hose clamp in ETKA: [urq] Right inner cv boot
keeps com...
steven j
- 10.6k is no problem : [urq] Automobile magazine - other misinfo
steven j
- [urq] Water in windshield channel
steven j
- [urq] Zermatt Paint
- [urq] DIY aluminum wheels refinishing
- [urq] DIY aluminum wheels refinishing
- [urq] Re: DIY aluminum wheels refinishing
- re. [urq] Clutch slave cylinder retaining pin-removal?
- [urq] What is market value?
- [urq] Carlisle attendance
- [urq] Re: DIY aluminum wheels refinishing
sdewitt at
- [urq] Audi Sport Wheel
- [urq] swaybar bushings...or others for that matter
- [urq] Weird clutch
- [urq] Weird clutch
- [urq] Need quick help.
donald stellmaker
- [urq] Fuel Accumulator Removal
- [urq] 84 urq fuel adjustments and hose search
todd ward
- [urq] IC pressure hose
todd ward
- [urq] Fuel pump jumper
todd ward
Last message date:
Tue May 31 23:46:26 EDT 2005
Archived on: Mon Jun 27 10:42:35 EDT 2005
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).