[urq] Re: DIY aluminum wheels refinishing

Brett Dikeman brett at cloud9.net
Wed May 4 18:06:34 EDT 2005

On May 4, 2005, at 3:37 PM, Louis-Alain_Richard at computerhorizons.com  
> 3b- How, why and where can I have the wheels "anodized" ?

This says it better than I ever could:


Stock rims such as the BBS's on V8's and 200q20vs have a machined  
lip, which gives them a classy silver look, without the chrome bling- 
bling look.  If you look very closely, you'll see the surface is a  
ridged.  It is clearcoated to prevent oxidation, and the clearcoat is  
what breaks down on many of them, and then the aluminum corrodes or  
reacts with road salt, brake pad dust, etc.

If you want to see how pretty some machined surfaces can be, look at  
HRE or Kinesis wheels.  Mmm, tasty (they'd better be, given the price!)

"They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin

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