[urq] 84 urq fuel adjustments and hose search

Brandon Rogers brogers at terrix.com
Mon May 9 17:02:54 EDT 2005

You'll need to hook up a DMM (digital multi-meter) and set it to Duty Cycle 
(not all have this function).  You want to set it so that it fluctuates 
around 45-50% at warm idle - Very minor turns (1/8) make a significant 
difference to mixture.  Set it, remove 3mm, blip throttle a few times, rinse 
and repeat.  I found to really get it dialed in I would actually go drive 
and recheck after driving  - for a few days afterward - then it would really 
be dialed using real world driving...

No advice from me on the idle screw but check Rod at ThePartsConnection or 
Scott at SJMAutotechnik for parts.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "todd ward" <ltw0808 at yahoo.com>
To: <urq at audifans.com>
Sent: Monday, May 09, 2005 2:03 PM
Subject: [urq] 84 urq fuel adjustments and hose search

> Well, I seem to have gotten her starting and the fuel
> pump was not the culprit. But she's running really
> rich. I would like to know how to adjust fuel mixture
> using the 3mm long allen wrench. How do I set it at
> factory specs? Also the adjusting screw on the front
> of the intake and throttle body has been broken to the
> point I can't move it. Is this just a normal screw
> that I can Easy Out and replace. Or is it a special
> order. Last but most expensive, the T'eed hose off the
> intake manifold {Large hose with small T that runs
> back along IM} any ideas where to find one besides the
> stealership. Mine seems to be collapsing on itself
> under throttle. Thanks Ahead of Time for the Help. Todd
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