[urq] The WX is acting up again

DGraber460 at aol.com DGraber460 at aol.com
Sun May 8 21:08:43 EDT 2005

In a message dated 5/8/2005 11:33:46 AM Mountain Daylight Time, 
skwpilot at yahoo.com writes:

> My '83 has been running really well lately until last week.  Occaisionally, 
> the car will start to run rough (generally coming off of low throttle or 
> idle) and will hesitate (or stall if I take my foot off the gas).  If I floor 
> it, generally it will come back to life and run normally again.  During one of 
> these episodes, while I push on the gas the boost guage shows positive boost, 
> but the car doesn't accellerate for about a second or two, then bam...it 
> takes off.  The other symtoms during one of these fits are backfiring 
> (occaisionally) and a jumping needle on the tach that do not jive with actual engine 
> speed. 

That tach symptom is a definite indicator that it is not fuel related. 
Several of us are chasing similar problems, and to my knowledge no one has yet found 
the definitive "smoking gun" evidience to prove a cause/fix.
Yours is unique in that full throttle will recover. My car would eventually 
die and need to be re-started, after which the computer re-boot of shut-down 
solved the problem. 


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