[urq] Back in an UrQ

djdawson2 at aol.com djdawson2 at aol.com
Wed May 25 17:26:48 EDT 2005

It has been a while since driving an UrQ has been a daily event.  I used to have a "distressed" '85 that I used daily for about 2 years... and even for one trip to Cabo San Lucas before selling it.  For me, it was a great daily driver that never let me down.  But since then, driving my current UrQ has been very limited... probably about 1500 miles in the nearly 5 years I've owned it.  Well, it's been put into daily action, starting with a commute from Denver to Boise.  The great part... it's a car that is always fun to drive.  The looks and comments are always fun as well.
So if you see a pretty UrQ in Idaho... and I bet there aren't many... give a honk and a wave.

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