[urq] Thieving Monkey Lads - long story

Bill Bennett ur.quattro at verizon.net
Tue Sep 13 00:05:21 EDT 2005

By Monkey, I hope you are not referring to mechanics working on that car, 
that , well, you are slamming my profession, are you talking low paid 
Monkey, or journeyman level, Jim?
Regards, Bill
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jim Haseltine" <jim_haseltine at ntlworld.com>
To: <urq at audifans.com>
Sent: Monday, September 12, 2005 1:14 PM
Subject: [urq] Thieving Monkey Lads - long story

> About this time 3 years ago I chanced on an early 81 Ur-q (early January 
> by
> the numbers) which the owner was wanting to sell - long story, but he 
> worked
> abroad, was only at home 1 month in 6 and wasn't happy that his car would
> spend 3 weeks of that month in the shop so I ended up buying it. Now I've
> spent the odd hour or two over the last three years gradually gettng the
> thing properly sorted but it's not 100% yet so I've never driven it.
> Anyway, on Saturday I had a job to do for a mate that involved draining 
> his
> fuel tank and of course the ass turned up having brimmed the thing the 
> night
> before. What to do with 15 or so gallons of fuel? Stick 'em in the 81. The
> task on his car took longer than expected (what job doesn't?) and there 
> was
> no way that I wanted to transfer the fuel back again after dark so we put 
> a
> spash in the tank and headed for the nearest station where I paid for 15
> gallons.
> Sunday morning I did a few minutes work on the 81 and noticed a strong 
> smell
> of fuel - just figured that we'd spilt some. Then tonight I opened up the
> car again to an even stronger smell. Opened the boot to find the tank wet
> and a pool of fuel in the spare wheel well. Thinking back I remembered 
> that
> the PO said that the last job he had done was a new fuel gauge sender
> because he'd been told by his Monkeys that the old one was leaking 
> (thought
> it was odd at the time and checked later to find no new sender).
> What's leaking? The sender? No it bloody isn't - one of the screws holding
> the tank carpet trim has pierced the tank.
> Firstly, what sort of cack-handed dick could cause that damage?
> Secondly, why didn't the Monkeys notice it?
> Thirdly, why tell the PO that you've fitted a new sender and let the guy
> drive off in a car with a leaking tank?
> I've sealled the tank for the moment until I have the chance to drain it
> (luckily I've got a spare tank) and siphoned the pool into my other car.
> I really thought that I'd found all the Monkey screw ups on the car (loose
> hydraulic pipes, jumpered electrics etc etc) but this one caps the lot.
> Bloody glad that I didn't do any welding yesterday......
> Regards,
> Jim Haseltine
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