[urq] Tilton brake bias valve part numbers.

Justin Riley jriley at ctiusa.com
Mon Sep 26 08:42:25 EDT 2005

Looking to add a brake bias valve to my q to replace the leaking factory
valve.  I know that many of you have used a Tilton adjustable brake bias
valve with the lever.  My questions:


Which part number for the model that fits the ur-q? 

Where is the best place to buy one?


The long road to recovery for my blue 85 has begun.  The ventilated
block has been removed this weekend, and pulled into my garage for
separation from the tranny, and re-joining with the new block.  APR head
studs are coming, along with Evans NPG+ waterless coolant.  Now I just
need a brake hydraulic booster rebuild kit, re-work the brake calipers
on all four corners. Repair a broken hydraulic line.  Have the radiator
cleaned and rodded.  Replace the block / tranny (maybe this weekend.)
Re-wire for the electronic dash.  Tune for new larger injectors
(Megasquirt EFI). Test drive at a local event on October 9th...maybe.



Wish me luck,


Justin R.


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